Published May 29, 2014
1 Post
i have aver been accepted into the navy nursing candidate program. I was curious if anyone knew more specific things than I did about officer training, and things that take place after graduation.
i have asked my recruiter, but the answers are ambiguous and it takes a while for them to respond.
i was wondering how long after finding out (say I pass) the NCLEX do I go to ocs?
after ocs, do I immediately go to where I pick to be stationed (which I know isn't certainty)?
and finally, what are the chances of getting on a ship to go on the missions they send out? I know they send out one ship a year, alternating east and west coast.
apoligies for posting in the wrong wouldn't let me select "military" I posted here and hoped they would move it...I'm new to the site
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
Moved to allnurses Government / Military Nursing forum for member advice.
Best wishes with the navy nursing candidate program.
Sw88tpea, BSN
155 Posts
Hi there and congratulations on getting in to the NCP. I'm not sure what the timeline is between NCLEX and ODS. It seems to vary. I would say 1-3 months. After you arrive at ODS you will go directly to your duty station afterwards, only allotted days for travel (1-2).
The hospital ships go out every other year with a 'rest' year in between. Last year the USNS Comfort was cancelled d/t sequestration. 2014 is the rest year. The budgets for 2015 and 2016 have been 'approved' but that doesn't mean much as the last one had been approved too. So hopefully the ships will start going out again for their missions which tend to be Apr-Oct. Getting chosen to go is completely but to your leadership. Each hospital will have so many billets to fill. Upon arrival to your duty station you should meet with your leadership and express your desire to serve a humanitarian mission. And then hope for the best.
I was slotted to go on the Comfort's Continuing Promise 2013 as an ensign of one year. So it can happen. Good luck.