Native 1st Nations People and Governance Structures

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Specializes in Med surg, community health,.

1st Nations Native People represent a large % of our population, yet, are underrepresented in healthcare.

Society minimizes our issues & exemplifies stereotypes. Many believe all natives live on a reservation, which is far from the truth.

Firstly,& foremostly, we are our tribal identity. I identify myself as a witsuwit'en woman, daughter of gilahgun & late tesebesya. Our hereditary system governs us.

The Indian Act ,implemented by the government in 1876, was designed torob us of our identity by herding natives onto reservations ( called bands) with a government appointed chief (called band chiefs)."Bands," are pieces of land owned by the government & program dollars sustain the families in power on the reservations. 

Children were taken from their homes to attend residential schools and forced to speak english. My mom had her hands slapped with a ruler when she spoke witsuwit'en at Lejac Residential School. Lacking parental systems caused generational issues.

Our hereditary system is opposite of the indian act & is our self governance. Our hereditary chiefs are appointed through lineage. They represent our nation regardless if we live on a reservation or not.

The largest % of  natives do NOT live on reservations, having morgtages & taxes. But we still belong to the hereditary system.

This very misunderstanding resulted in the Wetsuweten Pipeline Dispute.

Our clans have territory right on the pipeline pathway. Indian Act chiefs were consulted. The nation wasnt consulted. Imagine a kamloops mayor making a decision for all of british columbia without consulting BCers!

The Indian Act is outdated. It's a structure that YOUR government implemented & needs to be lobbied to eradicate. 

Why is this relevant to you? Natives carry multigenerational pains from years of assimilation. It will take many generations to heal from the government system dissecting our self governance. You see pain on many faces. You see ineffective coping mechanisms manifested through addiction. You see hurt when newcomers are free to speak their languages & are even empowered to do so, while natives were violently prohibited. Many don't have a language.

These are a few of many complex issues affecting native people. 

Our customs, languages and land is everything. Much like, your language, freedom to believe, and exist is everything

Sources: Native Womens Association of Canada

Office of the Witsuwit'en Hereditary Chiefs

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