Myrtle Beach, SC New Grad - LTC exp.


I've literally exhausted all my options in the MB area ... hospitals, nursing homes, asst. livings, senior communities, doctors offices, urgent cares, etc, etc. The search has been active for about 6 weeks now and I don't know what to do. I have 3.5 years experience in a nursing home as a nursing assistant. I graduated (ADN) in Ohio, took my boards, and transferred my license down to SC. And of course, left two job offers back in Cleveland in a hospital. UGH. The boyfriend had to take a job down here ... because there wasn't anything in Cleveland for him (He's a BMW tech). Anyways, I don't know the area down here too well but my search options on the internet have led me to a dead-end. I have resumes on all the employment websites. BLAH. Anybody have any suggestions, particularly those who know the MB area would be GREATLY appreciated! I hate to think that I would have to move back home to take a position but that's the road I am definitely facing. HELP!

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