Published Jun 14, 2019
7 Posts
Hello Fellow Students and nurses,
Yesterday I was informed by the local news that my school Roxbury Community College in Massachusetts had lost its approval status from the board of nursing. Believe it or not, this is the second school I have been a part of that lost its approval status. I was at Quincy college last year made it through med surge before it closed. Now I sit here with a pretty uncertain future. Most other schools are full here for September. As you folks know most nursing schools don't take other schools nursing credits. So my options are to wait it out and see if the school figures out a plan B. I.E a special transfer arrangement, or a successful appeal of the board's decision or start anew next year at a local school. This is making me think a change of scenery might be in order for me to continue my nursing dream. I am looking for any and all suggestions of affordable nursing programs in other states that may still be accepting folks for a September start date. I would preferably like to go somewhere where the cost of living is cheap and I can just focus on my studies. Midwest, south, west coast, online at this point all I'm looking for is a cheap stable nursing program.
I have all my prereqs most are a b or above and I've received a b+ average in my most recent nursing courses. Any suggestions are appreciated thank you!
JerseyGirlnrs, RN
9 Posts
I'd leave. Why take the chance? You have more than enough options in your area and within a stone's throw of Boston. Take advantage of your area because you can get the best education there.