Published May 17, 2015
40 Posts
Hello everyone I just wanted to share my HESI experience. I was wrecked with nerves. I mean panic out the waazoo. It really wasn't as bad as I thought. With that said, I'm glad I prepared how I did:
A&P: It had been 10 years since I took AP. So I studied a lot. I listened to you tube videos all day long while taking care of my 1 year old. Mostly ones by Professor Fink. If you put "dr fink - endocrine" in the search you can pull him up. He was an absolute life saver. So easy to understand but very very in depth. I had them going in the back ground constantly. I used Evolve Elsevier Study Guide, Cliff Notes AP, and Barronz EZ Anatomy. I made flash cards myself, I also bought a few inexpense apps. I used quizzlet,, (this is one I found at the last minute and was EXCELLENT), I played arcade games online to refresh my bone/muscle locations. I would say I over studied for sure but because the questions were so few (only 30!) and they can be anywhere from easy to pretty detailed, I'm glad I did. Score: 92%
Vocabulary: I used evolve, a bought the Mcgraw Hill book that contained 3 practice test and another book that had two practice test. Any and everything I could find for free online. If I missed a word I made a flash card. I honestly can't remember exactly how many words came from the Evolve book but I am so glad I used many avenues of study. Score: 98%
Math: Mainly the evolve book. Math is not a strong subject for me but I took 3 years of developmental math in community college and I honestly think that is why I did so well. Even though it was a long time ago, it got so ingrained in my head. The math was pretty basic. KNow you conversions and also know that on this section sometimes(for me about half the time) you must type your answer, there is no choice. you must be able to figure things out without choices to narrow things down: Score 100%
Grammar: I was very very worried about this section. It has been 20 years since high school and I haven't done much technical grammar work in my college years. I read the Evolve book but it overwhelmed me. What truly helped me was It is very simple. But it gives you straight forward explanations of what certain things are and then has a few quizzes for you to practice. Also, I have a friend who is an English teacher and she have me a few hints. Preposition "anywhere a rabbit can go!" (around near over ect ect) and Predicate "the action part of the sentence!" ALso to help me get who/whom down I would say a sentence back and if I could substitute her by asking a question back to myself I knew it was whom and if not it was who. The practice on soft was my saving grace for sure. Score: 94%
Reading Comp: This section was very disheartening to me when I saw my score. This was the one section I figured you really can't study for so I did a few practices from my books and never looked at it again. BIG mistake. For me personally, I would have done much better had I practiced more. I made an 86%. Drawing conclusions was my downfall. The score sheet breaks down this section into smaller subsections for you and I did good on all of them except for drawing conclusions. I made a 66% on this subsection of Reading Comprehension but I made 90 or 80 on the other sub sections so overall I still made an 86. I did this section first and I was so nervous and just shaking in the beginning it may not have been my best choice but I didn't want to be rushed at the end reading. The passages were pretty simple and short except there was 1 really long one.
Overall score; 94%
I studied for about 2.5 months. I am a stay at home mom except I do some PRN side work on the weekends in home health. As soon as my baby was down for the night I started studying and stayed up late nights. I washed dishes and cleaned to the sounds of you tube anatomy and physiology tutorials. I am not a naturally smart person so I knew I needed to put a lot of time into studying for this test. Some people may not need to study as long as I did.
I hope this message helps someone :)
Good Luck to all and God Bless.
1 Post
You were extremly helpful . I am planing on taking my first Hesi Exam in the fall. I want to study first and try to Ace it my first time attempt. I am also a mother, shes a four year old full of energy. Just like you I will have to put in the extra effort late at nights!
Great motivation! and Congrats!
Thank you and good luck!
101 Posts
That's awesome, congrats on your score. This information was helpful. Thanks :)
11 Posts
Wow that's great that your experience went so well and I'm glad I read this because it has now given me some extra sources to look at before taking my entrance exam.
4 Posts
thank you!
7 Posts
Thank you for this information. Now I know what to look for when it's time for me to take the test. Congrats on passing
Good job!