I'm in my first semester of the actual RN program after finishing all pre-reqs and I'm doing the very first 6 credit course with the clinical. It's a fundamentals course so we did comfort measures, vitals, assessing respiratory sounds and all of that basic stuff.
I have clinicals every Wednesday and I absolutely DREAD it every week. On Tuesday afternoons our clinical instructor e-mails us with our patient for the next day. We each have one patient to care for during our 6 hours on the floor of the hospital. I just feel so awkward there, I don't feel "legitimate" if that makes any sense. I also am very scared of doing something I'm not allowed to do or not authorized to do. I feel like I can't establish my role and I feel super awkward when talking to the patients because I feel like a nobody.
Also, my instructor is like a hovering helicopter, she is everywhere I turn around and putting me on the spot with questions and tasks to do for the patients. She is a nice woman but I can't tolerate her, especially during clinical.
I feel like hiding in the closet for the entire duration of the clinical day. Does anybody else experience this kind of dread with their clinical?
I feel like I really don't like bedside nursing. I enjoy soothing the patient and talking with them but I don't enjoy all the other things that accompanies bedside nursing such as bed baths, emptying their bed pans, etc. Does that make me a bad person or a bad nursing student? I think I would much rather enjoy working in a more "hands-off" medical environment. I just feel so confused and in a state of despair.
Also, what makes everything much worse is that our group has a "pre-conference" in the morning before we go out onto the floor and a "post-conference" for after we are finished. You are expected to go around the room and explain what your patient is suffering from, what priorities of care to give, what you will do, etc, for the pre conference and for post conference you need to explain to the group what you did with the patient and how it went blah blah blah. It really doesn't help that I HATE speaking in front of a group and am extremely quick to turn completely red when the attention is on me for too long. Also, my instructor has a habit of asking questions that I might be able to work through otherwise, but I cannot come up with an answer if she asks me in front of the group and I'm put on the spot, further causing me to turn red and embarrassed. I absolutely loath this and I want to cry every Tuesday night knowing Wednesday is fast approaching. It doesn't help that clinicals start very early and I have to be up at 5am and am usually dying to sleep just a little longer.
Sorry if this sounded whiney I just feel scared and isolated, I feel like a fake because I feel like I don't know anything.
Does anybody have any words of encouragement or understand how I'm feeling? I could really use that right now