Published Aug 25, 2005
1,327 Posts
I have a hypersecreting thyroid nodule...about 1.5 cm, irregularly shaped, on the left side. The rest of my throid is completely non-secreting. My TSH without levothyroxine is 87.5...with 25 mcg, the TSH dropped all the way to 41.8...with 50 mcg, I am steady at 5.1. According to him, most of the time if there is a hypersecreting nodule, hyperthyroidism is the problem...he says he has never seen a case where there is a hypersecreting nodule with hypothyroidism.
So...I am seeing an endocrinologist on Monday...but curiosity has got the best of me...any thoughts?
1,329 Posts
I have a hypersecreting thyroid nodule...about 1.5 cm, irregularly shaped, on the left side. The rest of my throid is completely non-secreting. My TSH without levothyroxine is 87.5...with 25 mcg, the TSH dropped all the way to 41.8...with 50 mcg, I am steady at 5.1. According to him, most of the time if there is a hypersecreting nodule, hyperthyroidism is the problem...he says he has never seen a case where there is a hypersecreting nodule with hypothyroidism.So...I am seeing an endocrinologist on Monday...but curiosity has got the best of me...any thoughts?
No clue but I can't wait to hear what the endo says. I can't imagine how you must have felt at 87.5! i have hypothyroid and feel my best at 1.7 - 1.9. Higher than a 2 and I drag.
I slept any time I wasn't at work and I was so cold that I was wearing sweats and long sleeves when it was 98° outside. I originally thought I had mono...
I'm pretty curious to see what the endo says too...more curious than concerned for my welfare. My endo's medical student called today and wants to do a case study on me...
I'm just getting a biopsy on Monday...should have results by the end of the week.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
I have seen something similar in my practice. Not knowing what the remainder of your labs were:
Graves disease is the most common form of thyrotoxicosis and chronic thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the U.S. I had a pt. with similar condition who jumped to a subactue thyroiditis followed by a transient hypothyroidism and followed by a transient hyperthyroidism.
I went in for the biopsy on Monday and the radiologist days there is no nodule there. What he sees is a hypersecreting area, but no mass, no nodlule visible on the ultrasound. So...the endocrinologist is going to keep me on the 50 mcg and recheck me the first week in October. She is still confused about the hypersecreting area, but elevated TSH...
179 Posts
I was told one time that I had hypothyroidism, for the three month period they spent watching my tyroid levels (they said it was mild and they didn't want to start me on anything yet) I ate about 5000 calories a day and did not gain an ounce. I could not get a straight answer from my endocrinologist about that, but it was probably the most glorious time of my life!