Musculoskeletal assessment


I need to write a case study about an 18 month old male.

Case scenario:

An 18 month old male toddler is due for a checkup and is brought in by his parents. As the practical nurse on duty at the clinic, you are required to perform a physical assessment. At the start of the assessment, the toddler is crawling around on the floor while his parents are preparing snacks and a bottle of juice. You notice that the toddler's weight is written down on his chart as being 36lbs., and has all up-to-date immunizations. the last visit made was at 12 month checkup and it is documented that full head and neck control were achieved by 10 months. The parents state the child insists on being carried and if he is left to crawl around for too long, he would roll onto his back and start to cry uncontrollably. When the toddler does walk for a few steps, you note that the toddler has a bowlegged stance, protuberant abdomen and moderate lordosis. List two priority areas of the musculoskeletal assessment that you would focus on for this patient.

Could anyone please help me in solving this case study. Thank you.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.


We are happy to help but we need to know what your research has revealed to you first then we will jump right in.....what pediactric condition causes this odd walking?

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
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