

So I took the HESI at MtSac Today, I just wanted to inform people that there are no calculators provided nor allowed for the exam.

Math consist of adding, subtracting, and multplying mix fractions, fractions and decimals. Finding the percent of a specific amount. Go from fraction to decimals to percentages and vise versa. A lot of the math question were not multiple choice, had to type in the answer so there is no possability of eliminating answers, you either get it right or you don't. And finally convertion factors, from oz to pint, from oz to gallons, mL to oz.

Vocab: Word given in a sentence and then infer the definition, multiple choice.

Reading: About 8-9 sentence paragraphs and answer multiple choice questions regarding the paragraph.

Science: A&P in multiple choice.

Finally two personality test at the end.

4hr long test.

GL Everyone


Thank you for this! I'll be applying later this year for the spring 2019 semester.

For the conversion problems were conversion factors provided or we have to know those prior to taking the exam?

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