Moving to Pittsburgh


Hello, I'm Angela, I'm originally from NYC and moving to Pittsburgh soon. I received my Associates degree and am registered in a BSN program online. I wanted to know what the hiring was like in Pittsburgh for new grads and if anyone knew how much they made. Or if you would recommend getting some experience first in NY before moving to Pittsburgh. I would like to go into Pediatrics, especially Oncology but I know many places require experience first and would also love to go into Emergency which I'm sure many new grads want. I'm really excited to move and am hoping the market is okay there. Thank you!

Specializes in Tele.

Let me say, do NOT expect to make nearly what you would be making in NYC. Some hospitals in the Pitt area start out around 18 an hour. Most of the areas you want to get into do require some experience so look for a solid med surg position.

The Pittsburgh market is waaaaay over saturated because there are so many nursing schools churning,new grads out. Suggestion to you would be consider driving to a hospital further out like over the border into West Virginia or Ohio 3 days a week. Also children's hospital is extremely competitive. The open houses draw a huge amount of candidates and they are well aware that they can basically get the top of the top.

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