Moving as a nurse


I'd like to move to the east coast or the west after gaining a few years experience. Though, I know some states have specific requirements, like CA. I was just wondering, if someone didn't meet those requirements, are they then locked out of that state forever? Is it possible to finish whatever requirements you missed even if you graduated? The schools Im getting my ADN and my BSN from are accredited, im just worried there'll be problems with certain hyper specific requirements for states like CA.

You are getting way ahead of yourself. Focus on graduating.Then focus on getting experience. "certain hyper specific requirements" will wait.

Specializes in Critical Care, Capacity/Bed Management.

I agree, focus on reaching the finish line. 

If your school is nationally accredited through the CCNE or other credentialing body you should be fine for licensure via endorsement. I was an ADN nurse who did an RN to BSN program and I have a multi-state license as well as a California license. It will all work out in the end. Good luck!!

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