Moving from Georgia looking for Florida Nursing program



I am very interested in moving to Florida. I'm seriously considering (Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Broward County) areas. I wanted to find out about the nursing programs down there.I need help finding a really good school. I know I'm not being very specific, but I am 32. I have no kids, will not have a job when I move there (however, I have alot of years of work experience and in the healthcare sector I was a CNA and Health Unit Coordinator) here in Georgia. Hopefully I can live on campus, find a job near by (depending on my class schedule). Ive been hearing lately that some of the schools only offer housing (for individuals over 25) who are working on a Masters. I will have some credits to transfer, but will need to take my prereqs at the college I attend.

Trust me, I've done tons of research and I've called alot of places, but its nothing like communicating with people who have actually experienced Nursing programs in these areas.

Again, I'm 32 and need something thats welcoming for my age (really cant deal with alot of immaturity) and a school where NCLEX passing scores are high. A safe environment and a place where I will be able to actually learn and the professors are approachable and very knowledgeable. The school can be public or private.

Can anyone help?

Specializes in ED, trauma.

Not familiar with the south Florida area schools, but please be advised that out of state tuition applies for our of state residents for 12 months until they can prove they are a resident of the state for at least 12 months.

Out of state tuition results in school fees roughly 3 times the in state tuition cost.

Just a thought!

Yeah that sucks. But I'm very aware.

Have you tried broward community college? They have 3 campuses here in Fort Lauderdale. Then they have the 4 year colleges. FAU and Nova Southeastern. But broward college now offers a bsn too for half the price.

I'm in an LPN program right now which has an agreement with broward college. Get your Lpn and then they'll take 12 credits and then you start in the second semester or something like that with the RN students.

Oh and the LPN programs are mcfatter tech, Atlantic tech, and Sheridan tech.

Good luck !

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