Moving to another state


I'm graduating this year from SFSU and I'm going to take the NCLEX here in California. After I pass the exam (positive thinking ;)) I've been thinking about moving to another state and since I don't have family anywhere in the US it doesn't matter what state. I want to know what states can I go and work as a nurse that will validate my licence from CA. Do anybody have any suggestion to where can I find out about what states I might be able to work with my CA licence?

Specializes in Peds HH, LTC.

you will need to apply for a license in whatever state you choose to work in. Each state has their own licensing requirements.

Specializes in Critical Care.

If you work for a Veterans Hospital you can use what ever state you are licensed in, no need to apply to any other state.

About 15 states participate in a licence compact agreement, where you can practice in any of those states as long as you have a license in one of them. However, I don't think CA is one of them. Look at

I think that is an accurate list.

Specializes in ICU, med/surg, school nursing.
I'm graduating this year from SFSU and I'm going to take the NCLEX here in California. After I pass the exam (positive thinking ;)) I've been thinking about moving to another state and since I don't have family anywhere in the US it doesn't matter what state. I want to know what states can I go and work as a nurse that will validate my licence from CA. Do anybody have any suggestion to where can I find out about what states I might be able to work with my CA licence?

You're going to school here, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to get your CA license endorsed in any other state...

Check out the website of the Board of Nursing you are interested in. Usually there are guidelines for endorsment process posted there.

Good luck!


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