Moving to Another State After Graduation

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in Telemetry.

Hi all!

My hubby and I are planning to move after I graduate from nursing school, but it will of course take considerable planning ahead on our parts (which is why I'm doing research a year ahead of time). I'm graduating from a nursing school in upstate NY, but right now we are considering several states as possibilities (HI, GA, CA, TX...). Hubby will be applying to a 4 year school there as well, so...even more planning ahead is required.

At the top of my long list of things to research is the logistics of obtaining a position and getting a license in anoither state. I don't feel that moving first THEN getting a job is a secure option. Is it possible to do this right out of nursing school? Where do I start? I'm scheduled to graduate in May '07.

Egads. Advice? :D

Specializes in Critical Care.

I went to nursing school in MD but started practicing as an RN in Texas.

I never held a MD license. I applied for my ORIGINAL license in Texas.

If your school is an NLN accredited school, you should be able to apply for original licensure in any state.

Just check w/ that board of nursing and get the application package to apply for original licensure there.

I also applied for jobs in Jan of the year I grad and did my interviews on spring break. I had a job lined up when I moved.

I might also suggest that, if your husband is going to school in another state, as soon as possible, get him a PO Box and use it to register to vote (or better, get him a DL) in that state (even if you have to 'make up' a physical address to do so). What that does is start to establish your residency for in-state tuition. That might not be 'legit', but it IS an option to consider. The other options is: if you know someone in that state, have them change their utilities into his name (as long as you trust they won't leave you high and dry with the bills) If illegals can get in-state tuition, I see no moral problem in gaming the system to hurry up your DH's 'in-state' status.



Specializes in Telemetry.

Thanks for the advice, Timothy. It's really baffling to me to know what to do when. I did see that many positions I was perusing had relocation funds, which would definitely help out a lot.

So I suppose I'll start applying next January, get a position (someplace good :D) and then apply for licensure in that state? Phew. Sounds like a plan.

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