Moved to PA -- Need FBI Fingerprint Checks (???)



- I just moved to Pennsylvania a few weeks ago, and interviewed for an agency position this


- I was informed that since I have not been a resident of Pennsylvania the past two years, that

I need to get an FBI background check and fingerprints.

- Does anyone here know how to go about this process in Pennsylvania? Also the costs, and


- It's 10:30pm and the agency is closed until tomorrow morning. Also, did not find much online.

- I have no criminal record ... so am hoping I can get this over pretty quick.




Did you ever figure out the fingerprint background check for PA? I am trying to figure out if we need to have the results from the fingerprint background check sent straight to the board of nursing.


when I applied for my PA license (april 2018) I did not need fingerprints ! just a background check/criminal history check

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