Motility Question


Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

Is it possible to have a swollen disk and/or pinched nerve affecting motility in a leg without having pain associated with it?

Is it possible to have a swollen disk and/or pinched nerve affecting motility in a leg without having pain associated with it?

Both are usually going to cause increased pain because of nerve impingement.

That is what a pinched nerve is. Think of rubbing a fingernail, that isn't smooth at the tip, over a pair of pantyhose. What happens? It causes a snag, if you are unable to free the nail, then the fiber remains caught. This is similar to what happens with the nerves in that region. The disk itself doesn't swell, but the tissues around it can. But again this usually going to cause pain.

At least I have never seen a case where there hasn't been pain involved.

Noy sure if this was th eanswer that you were looking for..... :)

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

Thank you. A coworker had emailed me this question (haven't been able to reach her in person), so don't know all the specifics.

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