Most creative ideas you've had as a SN?

Specialties School


Just curious, what are some ideas that you consider "outside of the box" or creative that you have implemented in your office/school as the School Nurse? I'll go first (I am an elementary school nurse - kg through 4th)

1. I created a "look who lost a tooth" wall outside my office. When students loose a tooth at school, I write their name on little teeth I printed online and staple them on the wall. The kids LOVE this!

2. I hang pictures of the kids everywhere in my office. I think this is a staple for the school nurse because it makes it comfortable and "home-y" for the kids. They're like "hey that's me!" or "hey that's so-and-so" - its cute :) I try to make my office as personable to my students as I can (I have 550 students in my school).

3. I printed "punch card's" out for my students that have anxiety related to coming to school and are absent a lot. I have a lot of students 2nd graders that experience this. I think its because 2nd grade is when teachers are no longer playing around, and "the real work" begins. I have a little girl that comes to my office every single morning crying and is absent a lot of the times. She gets 2 punches a day. 1 punch for being present at school and another punch for positive coping mechanisms in the classroom. When all punches are filled, there is a reward (pizza, ice cream, etc.). I find that this type of positive reinforcement works wonders.


Colouring books and such for kids waiting to go home, little treasure chests for teeth, I hang up ALL of their artwork, little erasers for birthdays. I also have some plastic dinosaurs that I dress up for holidays, fuzzy blankets and stuffed animals for when they need a cuddle, a sweet jam called "the tiny hiney song" for a kid who needs diapering...aaaaaaand, my secret weapon, MY HUSBAND! He is a groundsman for our district and is often in my building. I like to think the teeny tinies like me, but I'm chopped liver when he's around! They often ask for "Mr. Nurse Lynn". Dude is (I verified the stats) bigger than Lou Ferrigno (and louder) and sometimes a stressed out kiddo just needs to talk about a video game for a sec, or to be tucked in with the stuffies (that he provided) and then they hold his giant pinky finger in their itty bitty hands and he walks them back to class.

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