Published Dec 15, 2014
blondy2061h, MSN, RN
1 Article; 4,094 Posts
Today a patient who has had a long difficult admission with little to no support from his family called me into his room, even though I wasn't his nurse. He hugged me and gave me a Christmas card. The card had a lovely note in it thanking me for making his admission bearable and telling me he appreciated me. I got tears in my eyes as his told me that he only gave one to two nurses- the ones he felt had helped him the most. It's funny, because his reputation of being a difficult patient preceded him, and I was a bit nervous the first time I took care of him. I played tough love with him.
I'm usually the strict nurse that's more interested in pushing you to do what you need to do than coddling you or chit chatting with you all day, so I'm not always used to being patients' favorite. It meant so much to me at a time when I've been so fed up with work.
1 Article; 109 Posts
Now that is a great appreciation for all the hard work you do day in and out!
34 Posts
It's nice to be appreciated !!