Moral Support, Advice, ANYTHING!!!


Specializes in Burnout & Resiliency Coaching for Nurses.

Over this week and next week I am interviewing at John Hopkins and Sinai Hospitals in Baltimore. I am thrilled, no beyonded thrilled, I am ecstatic! I got a new suit, I am getting a folder together of lifetime achievements (although slim right now I plan to one day have it filled with really cool things!)

Now I just do not know what to expect for an interview or what sharetime will be like? Does anyone work at either and willing to give me advice? I am interviewing for Nueropsychiatry Memory Unit and Peds Oncology at John Hopkins and Oncology at Sinai.

I have my list of questions with staffing ratio, loan reimbursement, educational opportunities, length of orientations, ideal candidate for position, what supervisor is like, etc.

I just need a little moral support, it's been a tough year. I know I can do this, but advice or a pat on the shoulder is welcome. :monkeydance:

I don't work at either hospital, but I just wanted to offer some support. You sound more than prepared for the interview, so I am sure that it will go well for you. The portfolio is a great idea and I am sure that will make you stand out. Good luck!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Good luck to you! Just be yourself.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Be sure to ask questions about the patients themselves, their needs, and the types of services provided by each unit. It looks bad when job applicants seem interested only in those things that will benefit themselves. Hiring managers want to see that you actually care about the patients and are interested in the type of care that those patients need and receive.

A lot of job applicants focus to much on "What's in it for me?" and come across as being only out for themselves. Most managers want to hire someone interested in doing the type of patient care done on the unit. In a competitive situation, your ability to demonstrate an interest in the patients may make the difference as to whether or not you get offered the job.

Good luck!

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