1 month to go...

Nurses Recovery


I have been in the NC intervention program for smoking marijuana- NOT while working (yes, I know...stupid) for almost a year. In reading this forum I know how lucky I am to have only had to deal with the urine testing- no meeting, no rehab, etc..Just the daily anxiety of checking in and driving an hour each way to test if chosen. I have no discipline on my license but if I wanted to work as an RN over the past year, I would have to tell potential employers I am in the program (hello...HIPAA?). I chose not to do that and have worked in a non nursing job for the past year. Now that I have a month to of, my anxiety level is through the roof. What do I tell potential employers about the last year? Anyone who has completed their program and returned to nursing have any thoughts or advice? I can't believe this is almost over but I'm terrified of where to go from here....

Congratulations on being nearly finished! If stepping out of nursing for the 3 years of my program had been an option I definitely would have done that! I was required to work at least 12 consecutive months in nursing in order to be eligible to successfully complete the program.

So what to tell employers about the last year? I would just say that I decided I needed a break, due to personal reasons, and ive missed it and am ready to return to nursing. If there's anything in your life you could bring up that is NOT going to be a red flag or concern for the potential employer, then use it. Like maybe your parent/spouse/child got very sick and you needed to take a less demanding job to spend time with them, helping with Doctor appointments etc. Or maybe you recently moved, downsized, needed time to organize your home for sale. Or maybe your child was getting ready to move out, go off to college, or whatever, and you wanted more time to be with him/her. Each of these reasons are non recurring so your employer won't worry you'll do it again, and none of them indicate any emotional or psychological frailty on your part that may make them think you're unsuitable for their job (for example don't say you needed time off from the stress of working the ER, or from the long hours etc. That shows that you're weak, and may still be).

I agree with recovering. Tell them anything but the whole monitoring program thing

Specializes in OR.

First, Congrats on being so close to the end. I must say I am jealous. My sentence is 5 years. I also had the 12 month work requirement which I have way more than satisfied. I have 585 days to go.

I am choosing to work a non nursing job for the same reason. I am tired of interviewing and having that elephant in the room. The two jobs I've had, 1 was one of those "be afraid for your license, hired lots of program people because anyone with any other option wouldn't go near the place." The other was quite accommodating but the contract forced me into an area (med/surg) that I am not suited for and I didn't last but a year. I am hoping to go back to the same employer in the specialty department I am trained for.

When I do return to nursing, if I must go with another employer, I think I will just go for needing a break. I would prefer my previous employer because they already know about the contract and all the dirty details and like me, think it's a load of hooey.

Again, congrats on being done, and best of everything coming up.

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