2 month baby shots lots of blood


I work as a peds nurse and had to give a baby there two month well baby shots today. 3 shots two in one leg one in another. Two shots I had no blood the last one I had what seemed to be a TON of blood on the exam table and dripped off the sides of her thigh . It almost makes me feel like I should aspirate even though we are told we don't need to for IM injections and were taught in school not to aspirate anymore as well. Dad was super laid back and okay with it. I Applied some pressure and a band aid and it eventually stopped bleeding. I had to change the first band aid though. Needless to say I felt terrible and felt like I did something wrong. I know this can happen but this being such a tiny baby and there first real set of shots I felt absolutely terrible! Any suggestions , ideas , thoughts?

Sounds like you went through a cutaneous vessel. Pretty hard to avoid those if you can't see them. Don't worry about it.

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