Missouri State University or St. Xavier University?


Hi, I am a high school senior and I am exploring my options right now for nursing schools and I would like your feedback on which of these colleges' nursing program is better. Thanks!

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Welcome to AN! The largest online nursing community!

Your best bet is to look at your states NCLEX (the test you have to pass to be licensed) to see the schools pass rates. http://pr.mo.gov/boards/nursing/passrates.pdf

Also see if the school is nationally accredited by nursing bodies.

Are you talking about St. Xaiver in Chicago?

The next would be price. You really DO NOT want to get into deep debt over college. Do you qualify for any financial aid? Have you completed the FAFSA application? Which actually you can't do unitl next year...around April if I remember correctly.

At St Xaiver....Full-time Nursing $29,990 per year...EXCLUDING SUPPLIES UNIFORMS AND BOOKS.....for four years is $119,960.00. A loan payment over 10 years is approximately $1,331.80 PER MONTH...paying approximately $45,000.00 in interest and your education will have cost you in total $207,000.00

Missouri State if you are a state resident is $15,586.00 for four years is $62,344.00. Making a monthly payment of approx $771.00/month and a total interest paid of approx $23,750.00 with total amount paid at the end of ten years $108,000.00 for your education. Again minus books and supplies.



[TH]Tuition and fees (based on 30 credit hours)[/TH]





[TH]Room and board (average)[/TH]





[TH]Books and supplies (estimate)[/TH]










Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Nursing school admissions are very competitive. You need to apply to a handful of programs.

What is your GPA? Have you taken the SAT? What courses are you taking your senior year? Are you active in the community?

My daughter just went through this process. What does your family think? What has your high school guidance person said?

I don't have any info about Xavier, but I have heard amazing things about the MSU nursing program. I am transferring there after pre-reqs at OTC. Good luck!!

Thank you so much this helps a lot!

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