misson nursing


Specializes in Camp/LTC/School/Hospital.

Has anyone ever done a short term nursing misson? This is something I am very interested in, right now I'm in the information gathering stage. the missons only last 1-2 weeks or longer. I think it would be hard work, but great expereince, Any suggestions?

Specializes in Case Management, Acute Care, Missions.

I have gone on 3 short term missions to Zimbabwe - 2 for 3 months and 1 for 6 months. I am currently working on getting my BSN to go full-time. I absolutely LOVE it! It is a 85 bed hosp out in the bush - they take interns (what they call volunteers) for roughly a week to 6 months. I wouldn't go for less than 3 weeks though... to much to take in.

It is the best experience ever! The website is http://www.chidamoyo.org - if you would like anymore info or to just chat I am more than willing to share what I know.

There is also a medical missions conference held every November in Kentucky - I was able to go last year for the first time - it was AWESOME.

Their address is http://www.medicalmissions.com


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