Minor in Psychology helps?


Hello all,

Since I finished all GEs and pre reqs and I have one semester before I start my real nursing school.

The advisor told me that most students are like my case usually minor in Psychology.

Does that help with my nursing career and knowledge?

Thank you in advance!


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I haven't been told that directly; however, I am hoping to finish a minor in Psychology along with my BS in Nursing. I have at the most 4 more Psychology courses to complete, so I hope that I can finish them in summer or winter semesters- as long as what I need is offered. I have a strong interest in the field of Psychology, and always figured a degree would allow me to better understand my patients and their way of thinking, feeling, knowing, etc. I haven't even run this idea across with my nursing advisor, but since I'm so close to finishing a minor, I guess it wouldn't matter as long as it doesn't interfere with my nursing classes.

If it's something you think you'd be interested in and/or passionate about, go for it! :-)

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