Military nursing questions


I've been accepted to a quality nursing program that emphasizes leadership. I'm considering signing up when I graduate in two years. I have questions that I'd like some feedback on...I've got appointments to talk to a recruiter (An Army health care recruiter), but I want to hear it from someone who's been there.

My family has a long history of military service. I'd like to keep the warrior tradition alive. However, I don't know if Nurses get the opportunity to serve in combat zones, attend ranger school and so on. Do Army nurses have that chance?

What about further education? I know that the Army pays for education, but is it something that you have to beg for? I know I will have to earn it, but do they make it easy for you to move on up the educational ladder?

Lastly, promotion: I've heard that nurses get promotions at fairly regular intervals, is that accurate?

Any information would be welcomed,

Many thanks,


Specializes in critical care: trauma/oncology/burns.

Hello and Welcome to AllNurses!

This is "a ton" of answers here on this forum.

May I suggest you first start by going through and perhaps performing a search here for a specific thread....then once you are armed with some new information, FIRE AWAY and ask, ask, ask.....

I think first thing you need to think about is YOUR reasons for going in and then list all the pros and cons you can think of


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