Published Dec 3, 2009
47 Posts
i'm having a huge problem at work because of my chronic migraines. the sick calls are mounting and technically, i'm only allowed 3-4 per year and i passed that a long time ago. fortunately, my boss has been pretty understanding, but it's getting to where i'm gonna be in serious trouble and i don't want that to happen because i love my job and i hate that people may think that i don't like my job enough to be there.
does anyone else have this problem and what did you do? i'm on an antisiezure medication for the migraines and it's helped cause i don't get them half as much as i used to, but it's still not good.
2,452 Posts
i'm so sorry you have migraines. there's quite a hx of them in my family, but somehow i escaped it. my cousin and goddaughter both take anticonvulsants daily for migraine control and, while it helps, both still get them. my cousin was at a corporate meeting when she got a real beaut of a maigraine. a woman from a european office who attended the meeting, realized what was happening and gave her some type of suppository she always carried with her that had been marketed in europe for migraine relief. she used it and within half an hour, her killer headache was gone... totally gone. i'm sorry that i don't know the name of it, but your neuro probably would. wish i could be more helpful.
shar pei mom:paw::paw:
63 Posts
A lot of people have migraines for months or years until they realize they have this problem. My wife was getting just horrible headaches 2-3 times a month for over 6 months. Normally this would be after a night of alcohol, even as little as drinking a glass of wine before bed would trigger the migraine the next day. After working a 12 hour day with the help of a lot of caffeine she would also get a migraine. Point is, alcohol and caffeine are huuuuge triggers of migraines, they both cause dehydration and thats the main reason why. So either severely limit or eliminate caffeine and alcohol if you really want to minimize this. Stress is also a trigger for migraines, control this the best you can too.
Three weeks ago I got really worried about my wifes frequent headaches, this time she had a horrible headache and couldn't hold down food at all. I said enough and took her to the ER. Diagnosis? You guessed it migraines. I was actually releived because I was fearing a brain tumor, or something really serious. She was in a lot of pain all the time for months.
Triggers? Certain foods (msg in chinese food for example), alcohol, caffeine, stress, and I'm sure a lot more. Since focusing on eliminating these causes my wife hasn't had a migraine in over a month. She exercises more, sleeps more, works less, and avoids any migraine triggers she possibly can.
Can migraines cause naseau/vomitting? Yes, this was news to me, I thought she was vomitting due to an infection or something.
I also found it surprising that migraines can last 72 hours. Crazy.
I was told that neurologists can't really explain what a migraine is, why they occur exactly, or what a typical migraine is. There are tons of different types of migraines.
Hope this helps, you aren't alone, take care of yourself.