Midwestern university srna class of 2016

Nursing Students SRNA


Has anyone applied to midwestern university crna program? can anyone give hints on the program's interview experience for the class of 2015 that just started? Thanks.

Specializes in CRNA.
I was super detailed, like what kinds of meds I use, what type of pts we see mostly. I didn't go into any specific stories abt patients, stuck to what pt population and procedures/skills I use mostly

Thanks! I am not sure I was detailed enough, but it's too late now.:facepalm:

I got accepted

Specializes in ICU.

Congratulations. When did you interview?

I was accepted too :)! I can't wait to begin this journey with all of you!

I was placed on the alternate list. Still hoping for good news later in the year. Congrats to everyone accepted so far!

Specializes in ICU.

I hope you get in as well!

Specializes in CRNA.

Does anyone have current info on whether the cohort has been filled this year yet? I interview next week.

Profolsbff, I was wondering the same thing too. I scheduled my interview late because the email was sent to my junk mail and I didn't see it until few days ago. I'm scheduled for interview on oct 4

by Nunurn

Profolsbff, I was wondering the same thing too. I scheduled my interview late because the email was sent to my junk mail and I didn't see it until few days ago. I'm scheduled for interview on oct 4

Specializes in CRNA.

oh man! That is terrible! That email was the exact opposite of junk!! I was happy that the next available date worked out with my work schedule.

Well good luck on your interview, I don't know if I should call up there to see if the cohort has been filled

Specializes in CRNA.

Thanks. It probably wouldn't hurt. I have everything booked already, so I am am going regardless.

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