Interviewing for ICU...

Specialties MICU


MSTICU (Med/Surg/Trauma ICU)

I am a new graduate, this is my first job interview for nursing and I am very excited about this opportunity. Please give me some interviewing tips. Especially questions I should have and be prepared to answer. Strengths and Weaknesses, 5-10 year plan I am prepared for. That's just about it though.

Behavioral interview is very common in nursing and basically they ask you to give various stories of how you dealt with a particular type of situation. For example: Tell me about a time when you dealt with a difficult patient or difficult patient scenario and how did you resolve it? Tell me about a time when you had to adapt to a difficult/challenging situation or environment and what you did? Or tell me about a time when you were part of a team, what made that team good, and how you contributed etc. Those are just some examples of behavioral questions I've been asked.


You were so thoughtful and professional in your replies last year.

I was wondering if you could share 1 or 2 of your actual answers to your behavioral questions. I have an interview soon and want to get a feel how a real situation answer sounds to a behavioral question. A sincere thank you.

Specializes in ICU.

The two I struggle with:

Describe a time when you had a difficult time with a physician.

Describe a time when you made a mistake.

I don't want to ruffle any feathers and I don't want to incriminate myself! :***::facepalm:

The two I struggle with:

Describe a time when you had a difficult time with a physician.

Describe a time when you made a mistake.

I don't want to ruffle any feathers and I don't want to incriminate myself! :***::facepalm:

That does sound quite tough; what were your responses to those questions? I'd be stumped for sure!

I wonder if anyone thought about answering those questions? They sure are difficult to respond to...

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