Published Dec 16, 2004
2 Posts
after the micro final was over, i came over to my boyfriend's parents' house to hang out. my boyfriend is majoring in geography and is done with taking world regional geography. his mom asked me how it went and i said it was a hard exam with blank charts, no pictures, wordy questions, and a few essay questions that require a paragraph or 3-5 sentences. i know that science courses in college, the exams especially are hard. because microbiology is not the same material and not the same exam material or style compared to geography, that i think his mom is entirely wrong to think it should look "not hard". she was thinking how it is not hard to write out answers to the essay questions. well excuse me:uhoh3: , the questions required specific responses not one single answer or brief response. my bf was in the room and listening to our little argument. she helped him study for his exam while i struggled to study my part. and no one helped me study. i write a lot of notes and used the study guide for the exam. if she seen how much i had to write and memorize, than she would see that micro or the other science courses are not same style of studying as geography. it disappoints me to also hear she said her son had to name countries on his exam using a map. yeah, so what? i had to fill out charts on my exam. in fact, several charts!! i also had to draw 10 structures of a typical bacterial cell and labeling. there was also two essay questions requiring not-so-brief responses. this exam was very specific. and yes his final exam was specific, too, but his was more factual and brief. whatever, i have to take this course twice now. it sux to hear their whiney voices.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Apples and oranges. Nursing is not the most difficult cirriculum in the world and sometimes we tend to act like martyrs that it is.
At the same time it's not fair for someone else to belittle your cirriculum saying it doesn't "look" hard. She should take your word for it. It's dang tough. Nursing was the most difficult thing I've ever done. If you haven't been there, you just don't know.
Good luck! If you need validation, support and understanding, that's what we're here for, forget about her. :)