
Does anyone have access to endocrinology or Primary care work RVU for APNs. My organization uses MGMA

My current institution is changing all APN over to productivity based. They are meeting with each of us individually. I currently work in a diabetes and weight loss metabolism center (only provider)

I was hired as APN provider as well as clinic director of 3 employees for the new service line. The clinic opened 8/2017 and I have been slowly building my clientele but their work RVU expectation is 258 per month which is higher than the Primary care APN. I have the feeling they placed the value high claiming it was taken from MGMA but expecting me to re negotiate. they did not take into account the administrative duties,etc.

any advice is appreciated.

Thank you


I am in Psych, so there may be some small differences, however my company recently went to RVU productivity method for compensation. I know the PCP's in my organization, and there isn't that much difference in the RVU system for primary care vs mental health.

You would need to know the number of patients you see in an average week, or month, and the RVU value of the codes you usually use.

I think it sounds very low. Most of your patients should qualify for at least a "moderate decision making" code.

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