Published Feb 28, 2011
41 Posts
I have been admitted to MGH ABSN but now that heard back from UMass I'm starting to wonder what are the pros/cons of these two programs. Both seem like great programs, same degree at both, they cost the same (I am out of state student so I'll end up paying about the same) but what I really want to know is the NATURE of these programs. Any current/former students have any advice???
36 Posts
OK, I'm going to be totally selfish here and kindly request that you decline your acceptance to MGH ABSN! I've been waitlisted and SOOO want to go there!
All right, I guess that's wrong of me ~ I'm just going crazy with anticipation and waiting to hear back from the Admissions Office! I don't really know much about the UMass program. I was thinking of applying there for next year, if I don't get accepted to the MGH program, though, so I'm interested in any replies, as well.
PequeSD, I truly wish you all the best of luck, whichever road you decide. Congratulations on your acceptances!! I was told the MGH ABSN program had 501 applicants for about 100 spots. So, great job!!
GAgirlinMA...goodluck with MGH! I know how you feel! The waiting is so frustrating. I was accepted into the January 2012 cohort. I decided to drop the waitlist for the May 2011 class, so that's one less spot you have to worry about. Best of luck!
45 Posts
Good luck to you, PequeSD, in your decision making. How lucky you are to have a choice, in this competitive arena! I am very interested to see if anyone with experience in either of these programs can shed any insight.
For me, as a prospective student (I only applied to UMass thus far, but would apply to MGH if I don't get in), my first consideration is that UMass would be cheaper than MGH, though that's not a factor for you. If you go to UMass, you could start this summer, and be done by fall 2012; at MGH with a start in January 2012, you wouldn't be finished until early 2013. So you can consider what kind of timeline works better for you.
I am wondering if anyone knows if graduates of MGH's program have better prospects for landing a job at MGH (or anywhere, for that matter)? It's a tough job market out there for new nursing graduates, and I think anyone considering entering any program needs to consider how they can improve their chances of getting hired once finished.