Methodist Hopsital Summer Student Program


Specializes in PCU, ICU, PACU.

Hello everyone,

I am finishing my 2nd semseter of ADN now, will be done with 3 of 4 next May. I plan to work in ICU after graduation, possibly at the local hopital, but am also seriously considered relocating (single, no kids) At ASNA Convention this week, I got the opportunity to talk to the Methodist Hospital in Houstin about their summer student nurse program. I am considering applying, but to do the program I would have to move for the summer and cancel a trip planned to Ireland:o . Now, I would love to have the opportunity to work in a large ICU over the summer, but I'm trying to weigh the options.

Does anyone work at Methodist or know anything about the program? What is the experience like? How useful would this type of experience be to me as a new grad in ICU? Will I be academically ready for this type of program (most seem geared to BSN students, but I will have completed 3/4 of ASN)? If you had the choice of going to Ireland or doing the Summer progam, what would you do?

I know that's a lot of questions, but I would appreciate any advice or suggestions you have to offer.

Thanks so much,


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