Mesa Community College Schedule


Hello. I know many of you are currently in Block 1 at Mesa Community College. I would like to know what your class lecture/lab/clinical schedule looks like. I am expecting my first child in March and will need to figure out what to do about child care and how to work around my husband's work schedule (2pm-10pm). I applied in Oct 2015, so it is possible that I may be admitted this fall. Any information would be much appreciated!

It changes sometimes. I am in Block 3 at MCC. When I was in Block 1 it was Mon-Thurs. Mon & Tues was lecture from 0900-1130, Weds & Thurs 0700-1500 were lab the first 8 weeks and clinical/simulation the second 8 weeks.

The current Block 1 schedule at MCC (taken from the website) looks like Mon-Wed. Mon & Tues is lecture from 0800-1020, lab from 1200-1450, Wednesday is lab from 0730-1500.

Each block is different as far as days and times. You can look at the schedule on the MCC website. Keep in mind clinical sites are not known until a weeks before the semester and vary on location and times. My husband works a similar schedule and we have four little ones. My best advice is make sure you have a babysitter in place and a backup babysitter just in case. My family has been a big help with clinicals late into the evening (Block 2, 3, & 4 are 12 hour clinicals) on evenings my husband works! Good luck! :)

I am currently in block one afternoon session. Right now our schedule:

Monday and tuesday

Lecture from 12-2:20

Lab: 3:30- 6:20


Lab all day


After spring break it will change. We will only have lecture on Monday and Tuesdays and no lab. Then we will have clinicals which will depend on what time slot we get. There is a morning one and an afternoon one.

Congrats on your new baby. And if u have any other questions feel free to ask!

Hi, I called yesterday and she said they were still working on finalizing the schedule for Fall 2016 but she thinks its lecture on Tuesday starting at 8 am, Lab will either be Thur or Fri at 8 am. Clinical rotations are one day a week (9 hr shifts) but vary depending on what their contract agreement ends up being. She said it can start as early as 5:30 am or have an afternoon/evening shift.

It changes sometimes. I am in Block 3 at MCC. When I was in Block 1 it was Mon-Thurs. Mon & Tues was lecture from 0900-1130, Weds & Thurs 0700-1500 were lab the first 8 weeks and clinical/simulation the second 8 weeks.

The current Block 1 schedule at MCC (taken from the website) looks like Mon-Wed. Mon & Tues is lecture from 0800-1020, lab from 1200-1450, Wednesday is lab from 0730-1500.

Each block is different as far as days and times. You can look at the schedule on the MCC website. Keep in mind clinical sites are not known until a weeks before the semester and vary on location and times. My husband works a similar schedule and we have four little ones. My best advice is make sure you have a babysitter in place and a backup babysitter just in case. My family has been a big help with clinicals late into the evening (Block 2, 3, & 4 are 12 hour clinicals) on evenings my husband works! Good luck! :)

Hi there! I am a late poster because I was just accepted into the CEP program at MCC.

I see that you say you have a family and are probably graduated by now! Congrats!! I have a 5 yr old and one on the way that will be here about 2 months before block 1 starts.

How challenging was it for you at home with the little ones? I know I can do it, but I am just curious as to how the moms in nursing school manage school and home life.


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