Hi all, it's been awhile since I posted but all is well I guess. I'm in my third semester and doing very well. It's just that now I DON'T think I want to be a nurse. This started after I got the Extern position at a local hospital. And I'm not sure if it's just the hospital environment I do not like. Despite doing well, I barely want to study. I just wish I could just stop going to class/clinicals. When I was doing my prerequisites and semesters 1-2 I was over the moon but now I'm just miserable. I believe if we had clinicals at the hospital vs skill labs on campus the first semester and I was exposed earlier to the environment I probably would have not came back my second semester. I thought it was just physical tiredness at first but I just feel over the whole situation. And I can't imagine if I feel like this now what I'll feel like when I actually graduate. I guess I'm just here to vent lols.