Mentally done


  1. Should I stay in or find something else to do?

    • Stay in and graduate
    • Find something else before it's too late

19 members have participated

Hi all, it's been awhile since I posted but all is well I guess. I'm in my third semester and doing very well. It's just that now I DON'T think I want to be a nurse. This started after I got the Extern position at a local hospital. And I'm not sure if it's just the hospital environment I do not like. Despite doing well, I barely want to study. I just wish I could just stop going to class/clinicals. When I was doing my prerequisites and semesters 1-2 I was over the moon but now I'm just miserable. I believe if we had clinicals at the hospital vs skill labs on campus the first semester and I was exposed earlier to the environment I probably would have not came back my second semester. I thought it was just physical tiredness at first but I just feel over the whole situation. And I can't imagine if I feel like this now what I'll feel like when I actually graduate. I guess I'm just here to vent lols.

Specializes in mental health / psychiatic nursing.
Hey everyone I appreciate the words of encouragement! I decided to finish out and managed to finish the semester with all Bs. Also, my sister has lived with us for two years after she stated she would only be here for three months. Her and her children do add a good bit of stress to my life because she doesn't discipline them. She just lets them be unruly and break everything. And financially she does need to live with us for a little while longer. I think the extern position is getting a little bit better. I'm still trying to learn how to be a good tech. It seems a tad smoother now. Honestly, I think it was the fact that I'm relatively new and some of the staff and families I worked with weren't the greatest. And maybe that particular floor wasn't a good fit for me. I float around but hopefully in February I can transfer to a floor I like. Anyway, seeing as I only have two semesters left, I might as well finish strong. Verene thank you for the advice and Miss Mollie your list was awesome.

Glad to hear things are going a bit better for you now! Keep it up and you'll be done with school before you know it!

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