Published Feb 8, 2022
23 Posts
Anxiety while documenting .. CNA with ocd
Started at the hospital. This is my first rodeo. I’m so used to the documentation at a nursing home that asks did YOU do xyz. While orientating the lady I worked with that trained me did some vitals for me. We have a machine so I can LITERALLY see that. I know she doesn’t literally count respirations so I’d run behind her and sneak and take them myself. Towards the end of the night I was anxious. She did someone vitals for me and I asked what was their pain level. She told me the person had none and said put it under the numeric scale and put 0. She had me chart under my name the vitals she did for me. My ANXIETY was like did she REALLY even ask ? I have to remind myself that everything isn’t black or white and this doesn’t indicate ME being a bad employee. I know anything we didn’t do we can’t document. But would that be the same as a nurse not being able to document something being that the CNA did it ? I know the vitals she gave were accurate because of the machine. I think wayyyy too hard and am soo afraid of being considered a liar. Any advice would be sooo appreciated. There were times I wouldn’t even chart bowel movements or people being taken to the bathroom because a fellow co worker took them for me. I love having a team to work with but I’m so afraid of “lying” that I look crazy