Published May 17, 2009
1 Post
Is it really necessary to do the one year in MedSurg? I will be graduation this fall and i want to go straight into Burn ICU. Everyone keeps telling me its best to do one year med surg. My classmates have their specialty also some NICU, L&D, and ER
44 Posts
I get this question all the time (being clinical instructor). I'd say 6 mos to a year in med/surg is a good way to brush up on all the skills that you have learned from school (IV starts, NGs, Foleys, etc.) and also learn organization skills. For sure, it is never a good idea to learn basic skills and really advanced ones (hemodynamics, 12 lead EKGs, IABPs, CVVHD, etc) at the same time.
I've known of new graduate nurses, who went straight to critical care units, some of them quit, some of them went to med/surg, and some of them sail through. It just depends on the individual. I say, do not set yourself up failure. Once you know more about hands-on nursing, it is always easier to transition to critiical care areas.
Good luck on whatever decision you choose.
195 Posts
My Nursing Fundamentals instructor once told the class that she thinks that if you know what you want to do in nursing to not waste your time starting somewhere else. There are so many specialties that you cannot be an expert in all of them, so go straight to where you know you want to be and become an expert in that.
That is what I am doing. I graduate next month and will start in a NICU this summer.
Good luck on your graduation and new endeavor!