MEDICAL WASTE Former Nurse Arrested


This is from a local television station in Sarasota, Florida.



An arrest is made in the dumping of medical waste in Little Sarasota Bay.

Two weeks ago, hundreds of needles, along with syringes, vials, and even a scalpel were found in the water and on the shoreline. Now, a Suncoast nurse has been arrested.

Just prior to the find, Bon Secours Venice Hospital confronted registered nurse Carolyn Stone Curry. She's accused of taking drugs from the hospital and charging them to patients' accounts, then allegedly using them herself. After she was confronted, detectives say Curry admitted that she dumped the medical waste into bay waters at Blackburn Point Park.

Capt. Thomas Sears of the sheriff's office says, "I think perhaps, just speculation, that there was a little panicking once she was caught and just wanted to dispose of any and all evidence."

Investigators believe curry had been stealing and using the drugs since September of last year. They traced numbers on the vials back to Curry and Bon Secours.

Curry bonded out of jail Wednesday night. The Drug Enforcement Agency is still looking into how Curry was able to steal the drugs from the hospital.

Sheriff's divers are doing a final sweep of the bay to look for more evidence.

This is scary. What goes on in these people's minds, and worse.. What impact does something like this have on the nursing profession as a whole?

I find it very sad and actually feel bad for the nurse. For someone to feel so stressed and out of control that they have to resort to drugs and stealing it is very sad.

I don't think that this is going to say anything bad about the nursing profession because anyone with any common sense will realize that this was just one individual, although I am curious to know how the drugs managed to get out of the hospital without anyone knowing.

The news blows everything out of perspective.

This was a biological waste dump - Is one individual responsible for this occurance?

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