Medical Records Standards


Anyone aware of any efforts to standardized patient medical records? A quick google search came up dry like the old wild, untamed west.

just an fyi. i found the following at wiki for medical records standards:

technical standards. though there are few standards for modern day emr systems as a whole, there are many standards relating to specific aspects of emrs. these include:

  • hl7 - messages format for interchange between different record systems and practice management systems.
  • ansi x12 (edi) - a set of transaction protocols used in the us for transmitting virtually any aspect of patient data.
  • cen - contsys (en 13940), a system of concepts to support continuity of care.
  • cen - ehrcom (en 13606), a standard for the communication of information from ehr systems.
  • cen - hisa (en 12967), a services standard for inter-system communication in a clinical information environment.
  • dicom - a standard for representing and communicating radiology images and reporting

Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

[color=#16588b]resources available on standards and certification nprm; check out the public comment template

on march 7, 2012, the office of the national coordinator for health information technology (onc) published a notice of proposed rulemaking (nprm) that proposed revisions to the initial set of standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria adopted in a 2010 final rule. the 2014 edition ehr certification criteria were jointly proposed with the centers for medicare & medicaid services' (cms) nprm on the ehr incentive programs - which provides incentive payments to eligible health care providers that adopt certified ehr technology (cehrt) and susequently demonstrate "meaningful use."

public comments will be accepted through monday, may 7, 2012. onc will take into consideration all timely public comments as it develops a final rule, which we anticipate publishing this summer. we encourage commenters to submit comments electronically at [color=#c98f33] to enhance public participation in the rulemaking process, onc has made available on its website [color=#c98f33] a copy of the rule in microsoft word format and is piloting a "public comment template" meant to provide the public with a simple and organized way to submit comments.

additionally, several educational resources are now available to illustrate the relationship of the 2014 edition certification criteria to the policy proposals in the onc proposed rule. visit [color=#c98f33] to learn more.

questions? contact us at [color=#c98f33][email protected].

anyone aware of any efforts to standardized patient medical records? a quick google search came up dry like the old wild, untamed west.
Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

Additionally HIMSS has a great deal of referrence content on standards and interoperability related to the EMR

HIMSS - Standards

HIMSS - Healthcare Interoperability & Standards | Health IT Integration | Semantic Interoperability

Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

[color=#16588b]raising the bar for ehrs: proposed rule for enhanced certification standards

[color=#333333]the office of the national coordinator for health information technology (onc) is a cooperative agreement partner of [color=#c98f33]national ehealth collaborative (nehc).

on friday, march 30, 2012 at 12 p.m. edt, nehc's series on the recently-released proposed rules will continue with steven posnack, director of the federal policy division at the office of the national coordinator for health it. posnack will give an overview of the new standards and certification requirements for electronic health records, including the requirement that ehrs be able to support direct project protocols and smtp and smime secure messaging standards.

we invite you to [color=#c98f33]register and join nehc university's [color=#c98f33]briefing on the proposed certification standards. (no charge).

please note that the nehc webinar platform has the capacity for 1,000 attendees. please log in early. if the webinar is full, you can call-in using the information in your confirmation email and download slides from the [color=#c98f33]program webpage, on the nehc website to follow along in real time.

[color=#c98f33]learn more about nehc university programs!

questions? email nehc university at [color=#c98f33][email protected].

Awesome. Thanks for the info.

As far as I can tell it appears eligible healthcare providers are acute care settings like hospitals and not home health/hospice agencies.

You can also add to the list of entities that have a body of knowledge on EHR standards.

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