Medical leave?

Nursing Students General Students


I made it through the 1st quarter and maintained a 4.0, we are on Holiday break until the 2nd of Jan. I had a minimal invasive surgery that was planned for the 1st day of break so I could go back to school as scheduled. Last night I took a turn for the worse, and wont have medical clearance for at least 1 more month :(. I called and spoke with my instructor about this, he told me to take a medical leave of absence and that the Director would probably have me return in May, when the next class hits the point of where my class would be now. I looked in my handbooks, online, etc, cannot find any info on this medical leave thing. What worries me is his word "probably". I have to wait on a letter from the school to see if they will grant this or not, gee no pressure there..I'm going bonkers about the what ifs. I tried to ask him for more info, he was very vague and without speaking with the director could not be more specific..have any of you had to do this? Is it a standard thing available to students? Please, any info would help, thanks..

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I know this is easier said than done but since you have no choice in the matter and returning with your class isn't an option you will have to trust that they will honor their word and allow you back in May. Get better and try not to worry too much.

Thanks, I'll try..It's just hard to not have control of a situation like this. I never in a million years would have guessed this would happen during school. I guess I'll just have to hope for the best..

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