Med Term


What is the best way to learn the words.

I'm using flash cards...

and I write, write, write them over and over. and they are sinking in but my brain hurts. LOL I feel as if I'm going crazy.:uhoh3: I'm just doing the pre-reqs now... I cant imagine the actual Nursing Program. :nurse:

Specializes in CVICU, CT Transplant, Transplant ICU, CV Step down.

I actually thought Med Term was one of the easiest pre reqs. I guess because it was only memorization, it's easier to say the words as well as write them. Or maybe get a workbook and do the assignments in them, that's what helped me. Goodluck:):)

I used a dry-erase board to write the words over and over and over. It's boring but it works!!

Specializes in LTC, drug and alcohol rehab.

When i did med-terms in CNA school, they had a video and workbook where they would assoicate words with pictures and it seems to help

Specializes in CMSRN.

I'm doing Med Terms right now! in fact I have a mid term next week.

Flashcards seemed to work but just constant reading of the text book I was given and visual aid help me a lot

Specializes in Pediatric, LTC , Alzheimers, Behavioral.

don't know if this helps but my daughter helped me associate the word with something funny. for instance myo (muscle) was "oh me oh, oh myo oh, my muscles ache. it became fun learning and it really helped this old girl!

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