Published Sep 5, 2005
10 Posts
hi there! my name is nicole, i am 26 years old and have been an RN for just over a year. i have applied for and am hoping to be offered a position in a PICU, and i am looking for some thoughts from you seasoned critical care RNs!
i have been working on a busy med/surg unit, 6 to 8 patient ratio depending on the shift (eves and nights). i know only a little about PICU care, ie vents and cardiac monitors, that sort of thing. i do know that pediatrics is where i want to be, and that the high-tech/fast-pace/detail-oriented care is also what i want to be doing.
any advice, any other newbies to PICU out there too? any seasoned PICU RNs, what can you share to help with this transition, what kinds of things are going to be different that i should maintain awareness of?
anything and everything you can share would be wonderful! thanks :)
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
hi there! my name is nicole, i am 26 years old and have been an RN for just over a year. i have applied for and am hoping to be offered a position in a PICU, and i am looking for some thoughts from you seasoned critical care RNs!i have been working on a busy med/surg unit, 6 to 8 patient ratio depending on the shift (eves and nights). i know only a little about PICU care, ie vents and cardiac monitors, that sort of thing. i do know that pediatrics is where i want to be, and that the high-tech/fast-pace/detail-oriented care is also what i want to be doing.any advice, any other newbies to PICU out there too? any seasoned PICU RNs, what can you share to help with this transition, what kinds of things are going to be different that i should maintain awareness of?anything and everything you can share would be wonderful! thanks :)
:balloons: Hello and Welcome to :balloons:
There are many great PICU nurses here. We will assist you in any way we can.
First, get PALS out of the waY. Good luck with your new position!! :balloons: