Published Jan 30, 2011
159 Posts
I just landed my first hospital job. I feel very fortunate as I have only been a nursing asst since December 3rd. I just passed my state exam January 23rd. My job is in one of the best teaching hospitals in my area and I also start their nursing school in June. I was so excited when I found out the floor was actually med-surg/oncology because as of right now my desire is to become an onco nurse! I am sooo excited! I am in LTC now. I don't mind it, but my dream was to be in a hospital.
Does anybody have any advice for me? How will it differ?
on eagles wings, ASN, RN
1 Article; 1,035 Posts
Hi Tmowry,
how do you like your job? I've applied to an oncology and a few med surg floors... haven't gotten anything yet... but in case i get a call (cross fingers) I wanted to know about your experience on those floors... what do you do most often, is it always hectic, how many rounds do you get to do, etc? thanks and good luck! :)
I haven't started yet! I start next Monday and I can't wait! It HAS to be better than LYC! At least the facility I work at, it's horrible. I will let you know how it goes and good luck! Keep me informed on if you get a call or not!
Do you work in LTC now?