Med error equals practicing medicine w/o a license


Our medsurg manager and DON suspended a nurse for practicing medicine without a license due to a med error. She gave the wrong med and realized what she did and immediately notified the doctor and wrote herself up w/ incident report. Our nursing leaders decided to ignore the non-punitive error reporting policy that is in place. To top it off, these nurse "Leaders" are on the safety committee from which this policy came to be. The patient did not suffer any adverse reactions. The nurse in question filed a grievance w/ HR and luckily HR overturned the DON & medsurg mgr and stated they were wrong and gave the nurse her pay she lost. It was a one day suspension but the MS mgr go enjoy the day w/ your kids.

I would like to say that he...MS mgr... is the ONLY department head who does not help their own unit. The moral is at an all time low and mgt are oblivious to it. Just had to vent.....thanks!

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

my guess is there is personality issues here

I think the staff nurse ought to sue the manager for harrassment and frivolous discipline and anything else a good lawyer can think of.

I think the manager's higher-up's need to get rid of this idiot manager.

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