Med Calculations for boards


Hi everyone,

Could those of you who are already nurses please clarify something for me? Can we use calculators for the drug calculations for boards? I am hearing different things from different people.

Thanks for your help.


Specializes in OB, ortho/neuro, home care, office.

The computer has a calculator that is available to use during the test. You simply click on the calculator button. So yes you can, just not your own personal calculator

Specializes in Med-Surg, OB/GYN, L/D, NBN.
Hi everyone,

Could those of you who are already nurses please clarify something for me? Can we use calculators for the drug calculations for boards? I am hearing different things from different people.

Thanks for your help.


When I took boards, it had a little pop-up calculator you could use. And a dry-erase board that you could work it out on. But out of all the 75 questions I got, NONE of them were drug calculations. I was told that drug calcs were considered low-level questions. :wink2:

Specializes in OB, ortho/neuro, home care, office.
When I took boards, it had a little pop-up calculator you could use. And a dry-erase board that you could work it out on. But out of all the 75 questions I got, NONE of them were drug calculations. I was told that drug calcs were considered low-level questions. :wink2:

I wouldn't say that drug calc are considered 'low level questions' reason I say that is because the fill in the blank and more than one choice are at random. I passed with 83 and had 1 drug calc question. Doubt I would've passed with that few with drug calc being 'easy'.

When I took boards, it had a little pop-up calculator you could use. And a dry-erase board that you could work it out on. But out of all the 75 questions I got, NONE of them were drug calculations. I was told that drug calcs were considered low-level questions. :wink2:

Thanks for the info.

Specializes in Med-Surg, OB/GYN, L/D, NBN.


i wouldn't say that drug calc are considered 'low level questions' reason i say that is because the fill in the blank and more than one choice are at random. i passed with 83 and had 1 drug calc question. doubt i would've passed with that few with drug calc being 'easy'.

this being the reason i said, and i qoute "i was told that drug calcs were lower level questions". seeing as though i was not on the board making the test, i wouldn't know for sure.

and having 83 questions means that at one point the computer was having a little bit of trouble deciding if you were at "pass rate" or not...therefore, you, theoretically, could have gotten one of the lower level, i.e. drug calculations (if that is what they actually are...)

and whether you would say that drug calculations are low level questions or not is really irrelevant...just matters what the people making the test think. :)

Specializes in OB, ortho/neuro, home care, office.

this being the reason i said, and i qoute "i was told that drug calcs were lower level questions". seeing as though i was not on the board making the test, i wouldn't know for sure.

and having 83 questions means that at one point the computer was having a little bit of trouble deciding if you were at "pass rate" or not...therefore, you, theoretically, could have gotten one of the lower level, i.e. drug calculations (if that is what they actually are...)

and whether you would say that drug calculations are low level questions or not is really irrelevant...just matters what the people making the test think. :)

as i said "random"

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