Published Feb 4, 2012
134 Posts
I've been able to dig on here to find a rough sample of what the PT program could look like (two wkdys 2 hrs in the pm and all day saturdays). Does anyone have a rough sample of what the FT schedule looks like? classes "x" days a week, for "x" amount of hours and how many days/hours of clinicals each week? Also, I imagine that the days/times for both FT/PT options would change each semester?
on eagles wings, ASN, RN
1 Article; 1,035 Posts
Hi, first semester for me was something like:
Mondays Health Assessment 2pm-5pm
Tuesdays Fundies Lecture 8am-11am
Wednesday Dosage Calc 1-3pm
Thursday Clinical 7am-2:30pm
Friday Skills 1-5pm
Second semester for me is currently like so:
Tuesday Medsurg 8am-11:40pm
Wednesday Pharm 10am-11:40am
Thurs and Friday Clinical 3pm-11pm
I also work 17 hours/week on campus. And yes the schedule changes every semester.
Just what I was looking for, thank you! I am trying to estimate the time needed and approximate placement of study hours, school and clinicals. I know, I know it sounds anal but I have a very demanding, slightly special needs 2 yr old to take into account. Right now I work full time (takes up approx. 45-55 hrs/wk commute included) and set aside 1-2 hours of study time a day to give me a leg up on the remainder of my pre-reqs (a+p, chem, micro) that I start in a few months. This, in addition to the time I need to care for my daughter, keep the house clean etc. is pushing the limit of what is feasable. I wanted to see if going to school full time was going to exceed the amount of time I currently spend on all of my activities, but it seems very manageable. Especially if I set myself a school schedule of 8a-5p for example (or whatever other equivilant of 9 hrs/day dedicated to school) and spend the amount of time I'm not in class or clinical studying/completing school work. This should leave me just as much time as I have now to spend with my daughter and keep other domestic duties in order. Fantastic!
yea there are days where studying 1-2 hours is more than enough. but hopefully you'll have the weekends to have a nice long study session in case you need it. i have a friend who does study everyday til 5pm and the rest of the day is for family. she is very successful.