MD Phobia

Nurses New Nurse


Hi everyone-

I'm fairly new to this website but have thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts in this forum.. I don't feel so alone anymore! Anyways, I'm starting my new job in a few weeks (second round in a different hospital, long story, different post). Yet I have a problem and would love any feedback from newbies and experienced nurses. Basically, I freeze when I have to talk to doctors! All through nursing school, as an extern, and even in senior year practicuum, I would RUN the opposite direction almost when the MD walked in because I was terrified to talk to them. :chair: What scares me the most is getting cussed one side down the other. I've seen and heard it happen and it terrifies me. I also am scared that they're going to ask me a question that I either don't know the answer to or sound like a total idiot when I answer it. I admit I have a problem with self confidence and relying on my skills as a new nurse, so I question my assessment and what I see. So when the MD asks me about the patient, I almost freeze! I'm afraid its inaccurate or flat out wrong. I know the confidence does come with time, but as a new grad how are you to properaly approach an MD or converse with the MD? When i did my senior praciticuum, my preceptor was the one who conversed with the MD's so I had very little interaction with the MDs. So I'm just now learning what to say and to know what to expect from the MD's. Any suggestions to get over the MD phobia? As a new grad, what do you suggest? Any feedback is welcome!

Thanks everyone!!!

Specializes in med-tele.

if he starts screaming you are totally within your rights to walk away a few steps. call a code pink-get a couple of other staff members to stand near and watch.

it's sexist to assume that only male docs scream. i've been inappropriately chewed out by both female and male docs. bullying behavior can be exhibited by both males and females.

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