MCPHS Manchester ABSN Spring 2017


Specializes in Neonatal ICU.

I just learned today that I have been accepted to the MCPHS Manchester Accelerated BSN for Spring 2017. I am so excited that I literally cannot stop smiling. I was so worried I would not get into any schools, that I am so relieved I have at least one option! Anyone else accepted?

Specializes in Neuro/NSGY, critical care, med/stroke/tele.

Congrats!! You're going to love it :-) I know I did! Pm me if you need anything!

Specializes in Neonatal ICU.

Hey CiaMia - I would love to PM you and ask you loads of questions, unfortunately I have not posted enough for this website to allow me to do that just yet. I think you wrote in another board a little bit about the program structure. Can you answer a few questions for me about the program?

1. If you were to do it all over again, would you choose MCPHS in Manchester again? Why?

2. One is one part of the program you wish they would do that other schools might do?

3. Does the school allow you access to the skills lab when you are not scheduled to be there to practice?

4. Since this is the only school I have applied to that is full on classroom 8-5 Monday thru Friday - did you find the other time (evenings and weekends was enough to really study and do well?

Thank you for your help!

Specializes in Neuro/NSGY, critical care, med/stroke/tele.
1. If you were to do it all over again, would you choose MCPHS in Manchester again? Why?

Definitely. In a nutshell: supportive faculty, an overall good experience on clinical, and being well prepared to go into practice as a novice. The program is INTENSE, but if you make an effort the faculty are overall incredibly invested in you. I ended up working as a new grad right on the unit I did my preceptorship on.

2. One is one part of the program you wish they would do that other schools might do?

I wish our maternity/pedi rotations had been longer, but really? That's about it!

3. Does the school allow you access to the skills lab when you are not scheduled to be there to practice?

Yes, there is open lab -- you can sign up for it so faculty know you'll be there and can make sure to be around. There are skills check-offs for both hands on skills and assessments, return demonstrations, "skills blitz" refreshers... they will make sure you're competent!

4. Since this is the only school I have applied to that is full on classroom 8-5 Monday thru Friday - did you find the other time (evenings and weekends was enough to really study and do well?

So, here's the thing: in N1 (first semester), you may have one day off two half-days while the other lab sections meet (like in my cohort, N1 lab groups were Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon). Also Tuesdays and Thursdays are 1.5hr-lunchbreak days. Use that time wisely! But overall, yes, it's enough. :)

Congrats on getting in!!

I stumbled across your post because I'm actually applying to MCPHS ABSN program for the fall of 2016 and had some questions. My overall GPA is about a 2.8 but my pre-req GPA is about a 3.1/3.2. I have a really strong essay and recommendation letters. I was wondering what your GPA is and if I should worry about be accepted. Ive read a lot of post where people say not to, but I'm just wondering. Thanks!

Specializes in Neonatal ICU.

I had a 2.83 GPA from my previous degree. But I had a 4.0 in my prerequisites. I wouldn't worry too much because so many people said my GPA was too low from my Original degree but I got into 3 school so I wouldn't worry too much. Also going for a tour is a good way to get to know the school and show them you are interested

Thank you!! I'm going to go on another tour this semester and continue being hopeful. I'm confident that I'll get in.

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