Maternity Leave

World International



Is it true that nurses (and presumably everyone else) in Australia are not entitled to paid maternity leave? We're going through the process of moving over to Melbourne to work and my girlfriend is a bit surprised (thinking long term obviously!!!)

Specializes in ICU.

No. we do get paid maternity leave at the moment - but just wait until the IR laws start to bite,

I currently work in a Private Hospital in NSW and we have 9 weeks paid maternity leave after empolyment for 12 months.

In Queensland we now get 3 months maternity leave, and I think you may be able to take it at half pay and thus get paid for six months. You can take up to 12 months off all together.


It is Queensland we are travelling to in JUly. Is the maternity leave only available after a years service presumably?

Not sure about Qld but would presume similar to NSW, must be employed for 12/12 before becoming eligible (Public Sector). In NSW when on maternity leave you can also convert leave over to sick leave if unwell during time off, also should you fall pregnant on maternity leave you can go back to back maternity leave. the other thing is you are entitled to return to work on reduced hours in your job, ie/ an NUM (Charge nurse) can come back at 2 or 3 days weeks in normal role. If moving to Qld, don't forget the sunsceen!!!:welcome:

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