Maternity Leave NYC



Does anyone know anything about maternity leave here in nyc? I work at a HHC Hospital & I am curious to know what the maternity leave is before I speak to my immediate supervisor. I have been reading that there is a law that mothers are entitled to 12 weeks off, without pay, and then you get your old job back with equal pay, etc. However, I have been reading things about 6 weeks. Does anyone know?


Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal law that requires certain employers to provide certain employees with a minimum of 12 weeks of unpaid leave to address his/her own health needs and/or provide care to an immediate family member or newborn infant. During the leave the employer must continue to provide heath care benefits at the same cost (you continue to pay your portion of your premium). Upon completion of leave by a qualified employee, the employer must provide the same or very similar job at the same rate of pay.

Generally speaking, FMLA applies to large employers. To be eligible, an employee must have a minimum amount of service (I believe it is 1 year and/or 2000 hours,) so it doesn't apply to newly hired employees or those who work on a limited par-time basis.

FMLA places certain responsibilities on the employee seeking leave, including filling out paper-work in advance, (except in the case of an emergency) having a physician certify the need for time off, and keeping he employer informed of the intent to return to work. An employee who uses FMLA, but then does not return to work in a benefits-eligible status can legally be billed by the employer for the cost of benefits provided during the leave.

Your Human Resources department has a policy on how the hospital implements FMLA. You can read your institution's policy, and should do so, so that you know your responsibilities and protections.

Google "Family and Medical Leave Act" for more information.

Take care.

Specializes in LTC.

Jolie is correct. I had a baby when I worked at HHC too. With them you actually have the option of taking a child care leave as well. This entitles you to up to 4 years off. Your job is guaranteed unless you are in management; but you may be moved to a different unit if your position is filled. You can sign up for whatever length of time up to your child's 4th birthday, but you are allowed to change your mind and come back early if you choose. Of course there is no pay and no benefits during the entire time exceeding your FMLA leave.

All of this information is available on the intranet too.

Good luck!

thanks for the information. I will check it out.

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