MassBay Acceptance Letters??


Does anyone know when MBCC sends out its letters? The only answer admissions will give me is April, but no specific date, not even to say the beginning, middle or end of April. So frustrating! April is a long month and the wait is driving me crazy! If anyone who is currently attending or has attended MassBay can tell me when (approximately) they got their letter I would be eternally grateful :).

Anyone??? Please..... The wait is killing me.

I received mine today, April 2nd....

I got mine today too.. finally!! Yay!!!!

Did you guys get in - if so what is your GPA and how many MassBay credits do you have?

Yes, I did get in. I think I have 26ish credits. I know that the minimum required for the program is 24. Why do you ask?

I currently attend and hope to get in for Fall 2010

I recommend attending an Allied Health open house asap!! They will give you the scoop on the minimum requirements and what to do/what not to do. I *think* the min GPA for the program is 3.2 and you need 24 credits with MBCC. Completing as many co-reqs as you can before hand will help you be competitive too. Best of luck to you!

I already have and the GPA and credits differ every year for those accepted - in 2007 lowest GPA was 2.4 and 26 credits. Just wanted to get a feel for this year

I have a 3.58 GPA and a ASB from University of Phoenix. do you think that will be enough to enter the RN program at Mass Bay?

I also received the letter on April 2nd... I can't wait for the orientation.


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